Skin Problem

As we grow older, we all face the same issues with our skin. There’s a wide array of products in the market today that claim to have the solution to your skin aging woes, but apparently some of these products only cover up the damage done. In fact, most anti aging products such as some over hyped creams don’t really do anything to make the skin younger and do not work as they claim. Knowing this, now let me share with you some of the skin problems that can arise


As we grow older, we all face the same issues with our skin. There’s a wide array of products in the market today that claim to have the solution to your skin aging woes, but apparently some of these products only cover up the damage done. In fact, most anti aging products such as some over hyped creams don’t really do anything to make the skin younger and do not work as they claim. Knowing this, now let me share with you some of the skin problems that can arise

Dry Skin

As we age, dry skin and itching tends to be more “chronic”. The reason behind this is because as people age, the sweat and oil glands found in our skin gets depleted, hence resulting in dry skin and all the problems associated with it such as itching. To treat this, you can use moisturizers such as creams, oils and lotions all over your body to keep your from getting dry. You can also avoid using too much soap and avoid taking too many baths. Once a day is actually enough, but if you need to bathe more than once a day, adjusting your water temperature is a must. Stick to tepid water at all times. These treatments only alleviate the symptoms but doesn’t really fix the problem of dry skin because there’s really no permanent treatment for that.

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Sagging Skin

is something no one wants, but none the less many people get it. Sagging skin is caused to to aging and although premature aging can also cause sagging skin to occur.

Other problems such as the one’s listed below may also arise

* Aging Spots

* Hyperpigmentation

* Stretch marks

* Rosacea

* Acne

* Sagging skin

* Veins

* Acne scars

* Premature aging

* Loss of collagen

* Loss of volume to face