Before And After

Obagi specializes in correcting the signs of aging skin and other skin abnormalities such as acne, scarring, or hyperpigmentation.
The Obagi Nu Derm System accelerates skin functions by creating a therapeutic cascade to improve fine lines and wrinkles; sun and age spots; uneven skin tone; loss of elasticity and firmness; loss of natural skin hydration.
On the left we see the transformation of three women after using Obagi products Obagi is perhaps the most popular product on the beauty market today, from virtually no side effects to the quick results Obagi delivers, the results vary between people to person, however everyone benefits!

BOTOX Cosmetics
BOTOX Cosmetic is a purified protein that is injected into crow’s feet, frown lines and other wrinkles. Your muscles relax and youthful appearance is restored quickly, safely and easily. Results generally last for 3 to 4 months.

Cynosure is a powerful and versatile system that enables clinicians to customize treatments for a broad range of skin types and conditions, including sun-damaged skin, pigmented lesions, dyschromia and rosacea,” said Emil Tanghetti, M.D., Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the University of California, Davis

Collagen is a building block or foundation of the skin, which supports its structure. Over time collagen becomes depleted or damaged by the sun or other environmental factors. The result is visible signs of aging such as the appearance of thinner skin or loose skin. Deep radiofrequency, (Thermage®) or deep infrared heat (SkinTyte™) energy heats the deep levels of the facial skin and stimulates production of collagen in response to the heat energy insult. It can take up to 6 months to see a response from this procedure, which is often done in combination with fillers.